A detailed vulnerability and recoverability assessments must take into consideration more than just separation and redundancy.  It needs to consider such things as resource management, automation, systems alignments, cascading effects, secondary effects such as fire and smoke, and human actions.  Simple models and manual analysis methods cannot possibly keep track of all the variables or support a stochastic analysis.  A simulation, such as the IRM takes these factors into account and provides the user with detailed insight into potential vulnerability and recoverability design issues.

Integrated Recoverability Model™ (IRM)


Why an IRM?

The question is sometimes asked: “Why do I need a network connectivity time based simulation such as the IRM to conduct my survivability assessments?”  The answer is that tradition vulnerability assessment methods only provide a static evaluation of separation and redundancy and are best used during early design phases to support cost, weight, and gross survivability trade-off decisions.  These methods have limited capability to support detailed design trade-offs and decisions.  Whereas the IRM provides a dynamic assessment capability that takes into consideration resource management, automation, crew actions, systems alignments, and cascading effects.  The IRM provides detailed information about the state of a ship or any system of systems over time, which can identify critical vulnerabilities that would otherwise go undetected in the design.

An example of why it is important to include systems alignment and time in the vulnerability assessment is provided in the following video.


Additionally, the subsequent video demonstrates why it is important to integrate the effects of primary damage, cascading effects, and crew actions into a vulnerability assessment.


Benefits of a Time Based Analysis Include:


  • Requirements and associated metrics can focus on needed capabilities relevant to design reference missions.

  • Provides improved capability for more detailed measures of vulnerability and recoverability.
  • Supports detailed design assessments and decisions involving:

-        Resource management  

-        Automation and manual actions

-        Distributed system design

-        System alignments

-        Integrated system of systems

-        Damage and casualty control capability

  • Integrates primary damage, cascading effects, secondary damage, and crew actions.